Peeptown Cupcake

Peeps 3

The line goes out the door!

First of all, just a note that the Weekly Roundup is going to move to Fridays, so please look for it then.

So I did it, people. I submitted an entry for the Washington Post Peeps contest yesterday. It only took 28 hours of hard labor, $40 in supplies, and all of my available energy. Our apartment was so messy that Wonk the Plank and I could barely walk through the living room without stepping on foam-core board. And I almost bit poor Wonk’s head off when he scheduled us to go see a play on Saturday night – taking away from valuable Peep preparation time.

It took at least a day of brainstorming before I hit on my final concept. I went through lot of options – the Inauguration, the We are One Concert, a scene from a classic children’s book. But the concept I got the most excited about was recreating a local DC scene: Georgetown Cupcake on a winter afternoon. Wonk also decided to create a classic scene from The Watchmen.

I would go further into detail about its creation, but I’m just so exhausted. So without further ado I present: Peeptown Cupcake!

Peeps 2

Peeptown Cupcake on a busy Saturday.

Peeps 4

You can just make out the Washington Post article on the right, annoucing that Peeptown Cupcake won the WaPo Cupcake Wars.

Peeps close up

Another close up of the store.

Wonk the Plank went darker with his Watchmen peeps (check out the original scene here).

Peeps Watchmen

The photo shoot. Can you tell I don’t have any real photography equipment? I’m amazed I didn’t burn the couch down. And the original background I made didn’t work out, so I imrpovised a backdrop using the only thing large enough in our apartment – the couch slipcover.

Living Room

The peep photo shoot. Our apartment was a disaster zone.


  1. Alice said

    I LOVE IT!!! That’s so detailed and precise. I like the menu board and newspaper in particular.

  2. moderndomestic said

    Thank you! It was a labor of love.

  3. Rebecca said

    Holy cow! This took some serious effort and your presentation looks great. I am confident you’ll get in the finals. Let us know so we can spread the word and get out the vote. Oh and what play did you see?

  4. moderndomestic said

    The style staffers do all the picking, so there’s no voting (sadly).

    We went and saw “Once on This Island” – they were doing it at our church. It was really cute, and some of our friends were in it (and directed it).

  5. E said

    The pink bags, the hot chocolate…. the very Georgetown outfits. This is the most amazing diorama I’ve ever seen. If I ever somehow find myself shrunk down to peep size- I hope that you will create a little diorama home for me!

  6. Martha said

    Wow, the level of detail is incredible! You did a fabulous job. When do we hear results of the contest?

  7. Nanks said

    Your diorama rocks, Jenna! The detail is fantastic! You better win that contest! Kudos to Wonk for his suitably geeky contribution, too.

  8. Uncle Mike said

    This is awesome!

  9. Bri said

    That’s incredible Jenna! How did you get the lettering on the signs so small? You certainly deserve to win.

  10. moderndomestic said

    Thank you! I made them in publisher, which will let you shrink text pretty much as small as you need it to be. It’s the power of desktop publishing.

  11. culinspiration said

    Awesome—love it! Hope you win!

  12. […] been digging the weekly creativity series on Decor8. It’s inspired me to take on projects like Peeptown Cupcake, and to make more time for my creative endeavors. The series was only supposed to be 10 weeks long, […]

  13. Joanne said

    Oh my gosh, I am so impressed!!! I can’t wait to see your featured on the Washington Post. I will tell everyone that I know you when I send them the link!

  14. Kaydee said

    That is pretty freakin’ fantastic! You photos look great too, such detail and precision- I respect that in model making!

  15. moderndomestic said

    Aww, thank you! I am especially flattered as you an architect, and know much more than me about the details of such things . . .

  16. Holly said

    My fellow Brown alum Nancy Hwa alerted me to your entry after I stumbled upon the Peeps contest elsewhere and copied her on it. AWESOME! here in Los Angeles, there are always huge lines at SPRINKLES, but oddly, not so much down the street at CRUMBS, which are plenty good. I can barely get through half a SPRINKLES because they’re so rich. There are plenty of cheaper cupcakes to be had around town and no end in sight to the nuttiness of the cupcake craze. I’m waiting for Pinkberry to start selling them.

  17. […] official folks, “Peeptown Cupcake” is a semi-finalist in the Washington Post Peeps Diorama contest! I didn’t win, but my Peeps […]

  18. […] was a cupcake deluge at my office yesterday afternoon! As a thank-you for “Peeptown Cupcake,” Georgetown Cupcake sent four dozen cupcakes to my work. There were only four of us at the office […]

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