Cupcake Jewelry At Eastern Market

Isabels Rose Cupcake Jewelry 1

Really cute cupcake earrings, by artist Lori Flanders.

When I headed out to the Eastern Market grand reopening on Saturday, I fully intended to try to buy some produce, or eat at  famous food stand, or do something food/domestic related. But the crowds and the sun defeated me. I stood in line for a crepe for about ten minutes, but had to leave when I though that my skin would either burn off, or I’d die of heat stroke. Instead, I downed a smoothie at a coffee shop, which, let me tell you, was not a noteworthy event (don’t you hate how all smoothies just taste like bananas? It’s like you put one banana in there and it’s all over).

But even though my food plans were thwarted, I was fortunate enough to discover a really cute series of cupcake charms by artist Lori Flanders. The handmade glass pieces are from her Isabels Rose line, and I loved how bright, colorful, and precisely detailed all the charms were. I also appreciated that these pieces are an understated cupcake fashion statement. Cupcake jewelry can be overly cute, but I could actually see myself wearing one of the necklaces. I loved the earrings too but, sadly, don’t have pierced ears.

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Cupcake necklaces. They were cute, but not too cute, if you know what I mean.

You can check out Flanders’ cupcake charms and other glass pieces in her Etsy shop , and you can learn more about her work at She notes on her esty page that as of Monday, June 29, she’s out of the white glass she uses for the cupcake charms, but it looks like a few are still available in the Etsy shop. And more will be available soon.

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An edgier cupcake charm. Love the detail in this one.

If you want to check out the pieces in person, it looks like the next time Flanders will be in the DC area is at Art on the Avenue, down in Alexandria, October 3, 2009.  Maybe Nonna and I will have to make a return visit to Alexandria?


  1. Loriola said

    Aww, thanks for writing about my cupcakes! I’m so happy I was able to come up to DC for the weekend. It was exciting to be part of Eastern Market’s Grand ReOpening. The crowds were amazing!!!

    • moderndomestic said

      I know – it was so busy! Glad you liked the post – I really loved your cupcake charms, so of course they had to end up on the blog. If I make it down to Alexandria in October, I’ll definitely check out your booth again.

  2. Bonnie said

    You DC people are cupcake crazed! I think Modern Domestic could do some very interesting craft/decorating projects with those little glass cupcakes!

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